Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wasting Your Sabbatical

Unless some additional questions come in from readers, this will be my final writing sabbatical post. If you haven't yet seen the previous posts, they are here, here and here. Also, if you'd like me to address any specific issue or question related to this or any other topic, feel free to leave a comment or contact me by email.

Quick Writing Tips readers know that talk is cheap. Our habits, attitudes and actions are what have real currency.

So when it comes to taking a writing sabbatical, forget about what you say your plans are. What are you actually going to do during this potentially life-changing time?

Will you fall victim to procrastination? To distraction? How much of your sabbatical will you waste?

That's why it's so important to prepare. Create a clear plan. Set your writing goals in advance. Do a one-week dry run beforehand so you can get a sense of what your day-to-day life will look like. Think about the new habits you will want to build and the old habits you will want to break, and get started building or breaking them ahead of time.

And when your sabbatical begins, you'll be ready.

For many writers, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to fulfill a dream. Remember why you took this sabbatical in the first place: to write. Make the most of it.