Sunday, August 4, 2013

Worry Porn

You're using a Teflon pan? Aren't you worried about that?

Vaccines will give my child autism.

Are you concerned about Bisphenol-A in the linings of your canned food?

Have you heard about the risks of dihydrogen monoxide?

We all have friends who share concerns like these, via chain emails, articles on Facebook or idle conversation. And of course the news media immerses us in this stuff around the clock.

This is just another form of pornography. Yes, I said it: pornography. It isn't meant to inform you, it's meant to stimulate your limbic system. It's meant to provoke fear and worry (hence the term "worry porn") so you'll click, read or buy.

And it works so well that we can be fooled into fearing water.

Fear is a hindbrain reaction, nothing more. The information only has to be vaguely persuasive--easy to do since more readers lack basic critical thinking skills--and our forebrains follow along, quickly convincing us that the fear is real and worth worrying about.

Here's the problem for writers: When you worry you're not writing. Worry destroys creativity. It damages your work and your future.

Understand what worry porn really is. It's information constructed to keep us reading, watching, buying and lifestyle copying, but it never provides useful information. Don't consume it.

Visit Casual Kitchen for a longer discussion of this subject.